Telepathy Today
The idea of technology-based telepathy has been around for a long time. Ever since the first written language, we have developed technology that allows for the expression of thoughts without the need to vocalize them. We started transmitting thoughts silently using technology in the mid-19th century, when punched paper-tape machines were used to send telegrams. Typing, writing, symbolic encoding of information….all are means of expressing thoughts without voice to sing nor ears to hear. But true telepathy == the expression of thoughts from one human being to another without audio nor visual signals — is not quite available for purchase just yet. But we may, perhaps, be close.
About a year ago, when Elon Musk announced his Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) venture (Neuralink), the nay-sayers were not shy. Maybe the fact that Musk is behind the venture is enough. But then again, the venture’s web site doesn’t have anything but job postings today, and it’s been over a year. Their Wikipedia page is rather sparse, but actually has more content than their site. But even if the Musk vision for BCI implants doesn’t emerge, the Openwater skullcap MRI might do the telepathy trick too. Ostensibly the data from the equivalent of a constant, real-time MRI would find myriad use cases, including telepathy. But the Openwater stuff is still years down the road.
Is there something else that might be there sooner? I think so. A recent story on MIT News touts a system that consists of a wearable device that might be just the thing. Electrodes in the device detect neuromuscular signals in the jaw and the face — the intention to speak, as it were — and internal verbalizations can ben discerned and translated into specific words which are easily transmitted. The use case described in the article as search by thought. But the same device with an ear bud could easily become the telepathic transceiver that is all the rage on your 2020 gift list.
Telepathy is but one application. Real-time silent advisor, search maven, and JIT learning companion are but a few of the super-powers awaiting. I know I wrote about this sort of thing five years ago. And the future is always so easy to imagine and so easy to attain….until it’s time to write the code. But it won’t take a decade to get there. Nor will it take implants, though implants might be preferred.
Technology-enabled telepathy is almost ready. I’m going to go out on the proverbial limb and assert that within 3 years or less, you will be able to purchase such a device on Amazon. And the Alexa version will also be sold.