Hackers Spawn Web Supercomputer

Wired article worth the read: Hackers Spawn Web Supercomputer on Way to Chess World Record

There are several Network Age themes of note in this one article. Consider:

    – Education has fundamentally changed. Immersion is emerging as a best practice.

    – Javascript (specifically Node.js) is starting to get its props. There’s even an AWS SDK for Node now.

    – Although Java on a Hadoop cluster is de rigueur for enterprise Big Data stuff, the Smidge work by the young team at the Hack Reactor might be the tipping point Node fans have been waiting for.

    – SETI-at-Home was cited as a genesis engine! Yea!

Students and instructors from San Francisco’s Hack Reactor, a crash course in computer programming: (from left to right) Tim Sze, Shawn Drost, Carey J. Winslow, Ruan Pethiyagoda, John S. Dvorak, Cameron Boehmer, Nathan Houle. Photo: Hack Reactor

Kudos to the team at Hack Reactor and the folks behind Hack Reactor itself! I suspect that Node along with Javascript will be masked by more “developer friendly” interfaces as we nudge further toward Node … like CoffeeScript and Meteor, along with a cacophony of others.

Hey Smidge team: github?