Category: Big Data

Microsoft Puts Free Portable WiFi In Forbes Magazine Print Issues

Perhaps one day we will wake up to find that over night a next-generation network access devices were dropped from above, like particles of fertilizer sprayed by crop dusters over corn fields. Who said print was dead? 🙂 I wonder


I laughed out loud when I read Harry Roberts’ blog touting shame.css — but as I think about it, he may be onto something. In the spirit of Convention Over Configuration, why not cloister hacks whenever possible? Wouldn’t doing so

Data Science in the Facebook World

If you’re a geek and haven’t yet read Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science think of this as a goad — at least buy the tome. The basic premise is simple — specifically, that those classes of simple programs that

Dude, Who Printed My Car?

Wow. A car, printed via 3-D printing technology, making the NY to SF sojourn on 10 gallons of gas! Today’s article on Wired has got to be a mind blowing, hope radiating, consciousness expanding trip!

JavaScript Idea Goose

I’m working with my fellow Rotarians at Club 24 on a fundraising event. Club 24 is over 100 Years Old — yet we don’t have an annual fundraiser that we can call our signature event. So we’ve been brainstorming. As

A Decade of E-Commerce Growth

The Network Age demands improved modes of learning and communication. By presenting information in compact, creative formats, infographics are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage us. Infographics are visual presentations meant to communicate complex information quickly and clearly. A

E-commerce and Big Data

One of the major pillars of e-commerce is the web store — that virtual shopping garden through which an estimated $230 billion will flow in 2013. Lots and lots of online stores compete for their share of the still-growing e-commerce

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Big Data University

Via Big Data University IBM offers free introductory courses for Hadoop fundamentals, some rudimentary text analytics, and their SmartCloud cluster management services. SmartCloud to initiate and administer a Linux cluster on Amazon’s AWS is decent.

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trait Friendly { def greet() = “Salutations Terra!” }

With a nod to Kernighan & Ritchie, Big Smart Data begins. The intent of this site is to seek out, organize, explore and understand a layer of software infrastructure characterized by clusters of cooperative processors, machine learning, the wisdom of the
