Brain Jack
“I can imagine a cognitive prosthesis–some digital mnemonic device that extends my personal storage capacity in some way, but accessed directly via my own thoughts, as if it were an integral part of my own cognitive system.” — The Artisan and the Artilect, Part III
Scientific American recently recycled news from last year regarding the work at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s Neurology team: a “neural prosthesis” that not only monitors but also now corrects “errant thoughts.” The original source of the buzz was the paper published by Samuel Deadwyler, et al., “A Hippocampal Cognitive Prosthesis: Multi-Input, Multi-Output Nonlinear Modeling and VLSI Implementation.”
Can someone please remind me why science is still behind paywalls? But I digress …
The obvious benefits — and threats — of Brain Jack technology dwarfs any Network Age fruits discovered to date. How long before human trials begin? Soon, I suspect. With the White House injecting $100 million to unlock the mysteries of the brain, the funds are available. And aren’t we all so very interested in knowing more about each other’s internal rubrics?
I see the world I see. We all do the same. We make a hundred thousand decisions every day. Some are conscious. Most are not. Now imagine post Brain Jack installation, and you’re aided — goaded without you even being aware of it — by a digital learning device that is ostensibly connected to other devices. Suddenly your life changes quite dramatically. You no longer make “errant” decisions.
The definition of “errant” is perhaps a point of contention, is it not?
Scared yet?