Month: September 2024

The 7 Chakras of AI — Part Three

To anthro is human. To deify, devine. In Part One and Part Two of this series I presented the idea of comparing something as sacred and human as Chakras to AI. If you’ve read this far, you know now that

The 7 Chakras of AI — Part Two

To anthro is human. To deify, divine. In Part One of this series I apologized in advance for suggesting we might view the energies around AI through the lenses of human Chakras. While unbridled projection of human qualities and attributes

The 7 Chakras of AI — Part One

To anthro is human. To deify, divine. Anthropomorphizing AI and comparing human spiritual ideas to tech is tricky. It walks a fine line between clarity and confusion, and between depth and danger. And the word itself is too damn long.
