Perhaps one day we will wake up to find that over night a next-generation network access devices were dropped from above, like particles of fertilizer sprayed by crop dusters over corn fields. Who said print was dead? 🙂 I wonder…
Perhaps one day we will wake up to find that over night a next-generation network access devices were dropped from above, like particles of fertilizer sprayed by crop dusters over corn fields. Who said print was dead? 🙂 I wonder…
I laughed out loud when I read Harry Roberts’ blog touting shame.css — but as I think about it, he may be onto something. In the spirit of Convention Over Configuration, why not cloister hacks whenever possible? Wouldn’t doing so…
If you’re a geek and haven’t yet read Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science think of this as a goad — at least buy the tome. The basic premise is simple — specifically, that those classes of simple programs that…